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It had warned me a couple of times over the last months already, but finally last week, my old development pc refused to boot permanently. Back before client contracts and deadlines, I would had gladly spent a weekend trying to figure out which exact part was failing, but risking to waste a weekend only to find out my dated computer couldn't be fixed any more and *then* spending another weekend to get a new one up and running is just too risky now.

Here's a quick overview of the hurdles and joys of moving pc. Maybe it serves someone who is about to do the same...

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"Cube Droid saves the Galaxy" has been out in the wild for a couple of months now and, as this has been one a modest indie success, here's a list of goodies that Cube fans might enjoy ( which is you, I hope! ).

First of all, go play "Cube Doid saves the Galaxy" ( if you haven't done so yet )

Now, on with the goodies:

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Welcome to my site/blog/show-off place! Last year has been crazy, I've participated in so many games that some have already started to fade from memory. I desperately needed a home for them where they can live happily together for years to come. Nothing social or fancy, just an easy accessible way to show my friends and potential sponsors ( yay, l love you guys! ) what I'm working on as well as keeping a record for myself in a more attractive way than a spreadsheet.

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